Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Very First Post!

I am very new to this whole blogging thing and really do not have much time to figure it out. It seems like there is an unspoken rule that once you get married you must start blogging. So, here I am. Just to catch up we have been married now exactly two months today! It was such a wonderful day and it is amazing to think it was just two months ago. It has gone by insanely fast. We are now all settled in Beaumont and we love it here! ( I will add pictures of the apartment later:) I am currently going to University and working at a pediatric office. Thomas is working at the soccer club and loving every second. It has been so fun being married and living with Thomas and being able to spend so much time with him. Although there have been very few little "issues", Thomas and I have had to come to terms with things such as my messiness, his sleeping schedule and so on. Thomas sometimes reminds me that he is new at this and "hasn't been married before". So funny. Life is practically perfect and I'm so grateful for everything and one in my life. So I'll try and post every once in a while!


  1. Awww Ashley I love youuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!

  2. I saw your blog advertisement on Facebook and had to check in out. I'm so flattered that you've named a fish after me. I didn't realize what an impression I made as your neighbor...or maybe you hate the fish?
    So excited to see more..Ya'll are adorable newly weds!

    1. You should be quite flattered. Stacy the fish is pretty amazing and very talented!
      Will be posting more! Just getting used to it all :)

  3. you guys are so adorable. I can't wait to hear more. Come back to Katy often so we can see you guys.
